SAP Program RVHURL025 - Archiving matching groups: Create archive file

You use this report to archive matching groups (table RLCPGRP).The report writes the data to an archive file.
Process flow of archiving: The matching groups are read in packets of100 records. The system only includes groups, for which thedatabase usage counter shows 0 (zero).This signifies that the account statement transactions and accountposting items that correspond to the matching group have already beenarchived. The matching group itself can therefore also be written to anarchive file.
This process is repeated for the next data packet, and so on.

A matching group cannot be archived if it still has usage in accountstatement transactions or account posting items, or the database usagecounter shows more than 0 (zero). This requirements is one of theselection criteria on accessing the database. Matching groups that donot pass this criteria are not selected and therefore no log is createdfor them.

Matching groups that were selected for archiving are outputted to anarchive file. The report RVHURL027 (archiving of matching groups:delete application data) uses this file to delete the data from thetables. A processing log gives details on the amount and volumes of thearchived matching groups. A more detailed log is also available,listing the successfully archived matching groups.

Hints were created specifically for thearchiving object VHURL_CP (packaging logistics matching groups), whereyou can find more information.