SAP Program RVEXKOMA - Foreign trade: Consistency check - Material master

This report checks whether data relevant to foreign trade is completeand valid in all material master records for a certain plant.
The system checks the following four areas:

  • General foreign trade data

  • Export control data

  • Preference data

  • Common Agricultural Policy
  • (CAP) products

    Maintain all materials in your plant.

    The system issues a hierarchically structured log which contains thecheck results.
    Depending on the selection criteria, it may be advantageous to startthe program in the background.
    A yellow traffic light means that the system does not recognize whetheran attribute in the material master needs to be maintained. Examplesinclude the checks for the CAP product number, the Chemical AbstractService (CAS) number, and so on. In this case, you should check therelevant material. The traffic light is explained in the program key.

    There are a few things to consider when you branch from the log displayto the material master record.
    When you work with materials whose foreign trade data has not beenmaintained, you have two options:
    Data in the export data view has not been maintained.
    Solution: Use transaction "Change material".
    The Foreign Trade data view does not exist.
    Solution: Use transaction "Create material".
    Statuses are assigned to views in the material master. The view withForeign Trade data is always set to status P (Purchasing) or S (Sales).Depending on this status, the system will branch to the transaction"Create material" or "Change material". Views with statuses P and S mayexist, but which have no Foreign Trade data entries. In this case, thesystem will automatically branch to the change transaction.

1243544Missing authorization check for called transactions