SAP Program RVEXKAAL_99 - Search Result

This report allows you to search by commodity code / import codenumber.
You can choose between the following selection criteria:

  • Chapter

  • Number
    • Unit of measure

    • A special unit of measure
      Only special units of measure
      • Text selection

      • Text
        Observe upper/lower case

        Ensure that, in the case of chapters, you enter two characters, for
        example 01, 08, 99...
        To create a list of tariff entries independent from the special unit ofmeasure, you must not select the 'A special unit of measure' and 'Onlyspecial units of measure' fields.

        Maintenance in Customizing

        • Maintain the commodity codes / import code numbers with the

        • corresponding texts
          • Maintain the sections with the corresponding texts

          • Maintain the chapters assigned to the sections with the corresponding

          • texts

            The system produces a list sorted by commodity codes / import codenumbers.
            Double-click on a line to see a dialog box giving you more informationon the corresponding tariff entry.