SAP Program RUPSREP02 - Display Replication Table

The Uniform Packaging Service has the task of transferring an objectlist completely to a target system. Only those objects (statuses) areactually distributed that have not been transferred in previousdistributions.
The replication table logs each distribution of a message using theUPS, and can provide this filter.
If you want to find out why an object has been filtered out or notfiltered out, this report can analyze the contents of the replicationtable for a target system.

Objects have been sent using the UPS.

For a target system, you can select entries in the replication table byrestricting further parameters.


  • Header

  • Logical system of recipient
    Administrative data of the replication table
    Number of total records/selected records
    • List

    • List of object types with number of entries

      If you expand the list of object types, the system displays all theentries for objects of this type.