SAP Program RTXWCF10 - Data Retention Tool: Retrieve archived data

This program retrieves archived data back into the SAP system. Archiveddata are retrieved into special tables, and not to the original sourcetables. The retrieved data can then be extracted with the standardutility (program RTXWCF01).
The retrieved data can be cleared from the SAP system with the "Clearretrieved data" function in the "Utilities" menu.
To extract archived data into a DART data file, proceed as follows:
Retrieve archived data
Extract data (select flag "Include data retrieved from archives")
Clear retrieved data
Note: If possible, data extracts should be created before data isarchived. This avoids the potentially time-consuming archive retrieval.

Selection parameters
Via the parameters fiscal year (of FI), period (of FI), company code andapplication area all relevant archives are scanned for matching data.
The retrieval tables can be optionally cleared before any data isstored. If this option is not selected, the already retrieved data willremain in the tables and the new records are inserted if they are notalready present. Duplicate records are discarded. In this way theprogram can be restarted or data for different selection criteria can bemerged into the retrieval tables.

After successfull termination the program prints the followingstatistical information:

  • Archiving objects which were selected for retrieving archived data

  • Archiving objects that are always ignored by this utility

  • For each retrieval table the number of records read from an archive and
  • the number of records which were inserted in the retrieval table

    Additional information
    The utility automatically determines the relevant archiving objects forthe source tables listed below. Certain archiving objects are notrelevant for the intended purpose and are always ignored.
    The retrieval tables have the same key as the corresponding sourcetables. In addition to the key fields, the retrieval tables include theexport structure that is used by the extraction tool. This means thatthe retrieval tables by default only contain the fields that are to beextracted. This automatically includes fields that have been added bycustomers to the SAP delivered export structures.
    Customers can add additional fields to the retrieval tables; e.g. fieldsthat are needed in user exits, but that are not in the export structure.
    The retrieval tables are delivered with indexes to optimize theperformance of the extraction tool.
    The following lists the original source tables with the correspondingretrieval tables:
    Application area,,Source table,,retrieval table
    FI Finance docs.,,BKPF,,TXW_S_BKPF
    CO Controlling docs.,,COBK,,TXW_S_COBK
    FI/CO Reconciliation,,COFIS,,TXW_S_COFI
    AM Asset docs.,,ANEK,,TXW_S_ANEK
    MM Material docs.,,MKPF,,TXW_S_MKPF
    MM Purchase orders,,EKKO,,TXW_S_EKKO
    SD Billing docs.,,VBRK,,TXW_S_VBRK
    SD Sales docs.,,VBAK,,TXW_S_VBAK
    SD Delivery docs.,,LIKP,,TXW_S_LIKP
    Note: A reload only includes the entries from the above namedoriginal tables. However, some archiving objects also archive entriesfrom other tables containing tax-relevant data, such as SD_VBAK, whicharchives data from table VBKD (business data). The data from these othertables is not included in the reload. If you were to create a documentextract from the reload the information would be incomplete andtherefore not appropriate for use in audits. To avoid this situation itis imperative that you create your DART extract before you archive yourtax-relevant data.