SAP Program RTPM_ACCRUAL_DEFERRAL - Treasury Products: Accrual/Deferral of Income

This program generates a profit-based accrual/deferral from a financialtransaction.

The program is integrated in the position management of financialproducts (TR module).

Profits to be accrued/deferred are updated in position management(verify with Display Flows, tpm13)
Customizing for the accrual/deferral function (Customizing activity Assign Update Types for Accrual/Deferral)
Customizing of the FI posting for position management (Customizingactivity Link to Other Accounting Components)

Profit-related flows, which affect net income on the key date, aredetermined for the position of a financial product.
Profits/losses incurred up to the key date are determined for eachprofit-related flow.
An accrual/deferral flow, which controls updating to FinancialAccounting, is generated depending on the accrual/deferral method(difference procedure, reset procedure) and the type of profit-relatedflow(referred items, accrued items). Accruals and deferrals areprerequisites for period-end closing in Financial Accounting.


  • Selection of positions to be processed

  • Accrual/deferral key date

  • Posting Control

  • FI posting date, alternative FI posting date The key date of theaccrual/deferral is used per default
    TR: Reset Posting Date: Date on which the business transaction was resetThe standard setting is one day after the accrual/deferral key date


    • Accruals/deferrals list

    • Posting log

    • Message list with messages from the position management modules
    • Example

      • Accrual/deferral of interest

      • Accrual/deferral of interest, taking accrued interest received into
      • account, in netting accounts
        • Accrual/deferral of a price gain from the sale of a security which
        • should in fact be retained until its maturity
          The profit is generally distributed across the remaining term