This report is for the extraction of tax-relevant information from theincoming invoices of IS-U.
Only those incoming documents are extracted which contain data relevantfor a transfer to FI-CA. In addition, invoice lines of these documentsmust have already been transferred to FI-CA.

The tax-relevant data of the incoming invoices is archived from thedatabase into files, in accordance with the scope selected.
The following fixed criteria are specified:

  • The invoice header must have the status "completed" (value 03).

  • The invoice document must have the status "transferred",
  • "transferred/reversed" or "transferred/to be reversed" (values 13, 16,17).
    • The invoice type stored in the invoice header must be of the type
    • "individual bill" (value 01) or "aggregated bill" (value 02).
      The main user criterion for restricting the incoming invoices is thetransfer date (time invoice is transferred to FI-CA). This date cannotbe changed again for an invoice. This ensures that every invoice isentered (exactly once) when the extraction completely covers theprevious periods by means of selection intervals.
      Repeat run: An "original" extraction run can be repeated any number oftimes, and in a repeat run a subset of a previous run may also beselected. However, in a repeat run the selected data scope may notexceed the data scope of the "original" extract, and it may not includemultiple extract IDs.
      In the table ETAXTINVKO, the extract ID created is updated (apart fromin a repeat run), so that multiple extracts cannot be created with thesame ID. All invoice numbers are also saved in table ETAXTINVDOC with anassignment to the (original) extract ID. This is primarily used for dataarchiving, to recognize documents already extracted (non-extracteddocuments cannot be archived with active GDPdU functions).
      The extracted data itself can be extracted into files in CSV or AISformat. The files can be stored on the application server or as a localfile.
      If you want to repeat 2 extraction runs that have consecutive timeperiods in a repeat run, you can do this by first deleting thecorresponding extraction IDs and then executing the repeat run as an"original" run.

      The extracted data can be enhanced individually:
      First there is the option to add individual fields to the existingextraction structures. The extraction structures of the SAP DictionariesCustomer Includes are available for enhancement. The structures are:
      Data,,Dictionary Structure,,Customer Include
      Invoice document,,TINV_INV_DOC_ESHORT,,CI_TINV_DOC_SHORT
      The same Customer Includes are also used in the short tables of theevaluation system. For added fields that have the same names as thefields of the corresponding original tables of the incoming invoices, noadditional programming is required, because the extraction structuresare filled using MOVE-CORRESPONDING.
      For other fields to be filled individually, the export program can beenhanced using event R912 (extraction enhancement (TINV_INV_*) in theGDPdU archiving).

      You make the following entries in the selection screen:

      • Enter a unique extraction ID, for which no extraction index may exist
      • (check is also performed for repeat runs).
        For an original run, the extraction ID is updated with the assigneddocument numbers in the extraction index. The following particulars alsoapply:
        If the files created are split by company code, files and extractionsare created for each company code. The report functions as if one singleextraction were created for each company code found. Thus multipleextraction IDs are created, as the key of the company code is attachedto each extraction ID entered. For this reason, the last 4 characters ofthe extraction ID must be left empty.
        The company code is also attached to the file names created.
        If the files created are always only supposed to include a maximumnumber of objects 'n', the report starts a new file after these 'n'objects and also creates a new extract ID. To be able to create a uniquefile name and an extract ID, you enter a place holder '#' at anyposition in the extraction ID and in the file name.
        • Specify the desired time interval for the transfer date of the incoming
        • invoices to be extracted.
          • Enter a file name. The particulars described for the extraction ID must
          • also be considered here.
            • Select the corresponding parameter if the file is to be created locally
            • and not on the application server. This parameter should only be set fortest purposes, and it cannot be used in the background processing. Whenusing this parameter, it is not possible to have a split based on thenumber of objects or the company code.
              • Choose the desired output format.

              • The CSV format can be used to import the data into an evaluation systemlater on. In this case, you may also enter the maximum number ofobjects (invoices) that are to be exported in a file. If this is used,you must use a place holder ('#') for the extract ID and the file name.
                Please note: Because the selected invoices not relevant to theextraction (see criteria above) are also included in the extractionindex ETAXTINVDOC, it is possible that under a current file number, morethan the number of objects in the index is included. However, only themaximum number of objects is updated in the file. However, for technicalreasons, it is possible that the last file created is empty.
                The SAP Audit Format (AIS) creates files for immediate transfer to theauditor. If the data is to be separated by company code, you can achievethis by marking the corresponding parameter. In this case, the last 4characters of the extraction ID must be left empty for the company code.
                Additional information about the files created
                If no explicit path was entered, local files are created in theuser's SAP workdir (the path of the workdir can be specified in theoptions of the SAPGUI); otherwise, local files are created under thepath entered.
                Non-local files are created on the application server, using thelogical file name TINV-DOC-EXTRACT. In the SAP standard system, thelogical path TMP is assigned to the logical file name, and a file (withthe name entered in the parameter) is created under this path. Pleasemake sure you retain copies of these files in accordance with statutoryrequirements.

                A log is output by the report that either confirms successful processingor contains messages about error situations that have arisen.
                The log is also saved as an application log under object IUTXAR andsub-object TINV.

1021558Downgrade ERP2005 SP9 - GDPdU