SAP Program RTINV_DOC_EXIX_DEL - Delete Extract Index for Incoming Bills

This report is used for the deletion of the extraction index for IS-Uincoming invoices that is created by the RTINV_DOC_EXTR_EXP report inthe extraction process.
By deleting the index, archiving of incoming invoice documentation (withactive GDPdU functionality) is prevented.
Background: Archiving checks (with active GDPdU functionality) whethereach document to be archived is already in an extraction index and iftax-relevant information has already been extracted.

The report deletes the extraction index for IS-U incoming invoicesentered in the selection parameters from the ETAXTINVKO and ETAXTINVKOtables.
Please note:
If incoming invoices have already been archived, then the correspondingextraction index can no longer be deleted.

Enter the extraction ID to be deleted in the only available parameter.

A log is output by the report that either confirms successful processingor gives error messages that have occurred.
The log is also saved as an application log under object IUTXAR andsub-object TINV.