SAP Program RTHMHR_REVERSE_FV_CHANGES - Reverse Fair Value Changes to Be Posted

Reverse Fair Value to be Posted.

The hedging realationships in this report are displayed only 'after'the derivative contract valuation has been reversed. If there has notbeen a valuation reversal, please use the report'RTHMHR_POST_FAIR_VALUE_CHG' .


scenario one:
1. valuation > THMHRT-hi_meas- trans = 0 (not yet transfered)
2. reversal of valuation (TBB8) > THMHRT-hi_meas- trans = 3(measurement reversed doc. posted)
There is no need to run 'RTHMHR_REVERSE_FV_CHANGES' report as therenever was a fair value transfer recorded in THMHRT_HI_MEAS table.
scenario two:
1. valuation > THMHRT-hi_meas- trans = 0 (not yet transfered)
2. Run 'RTHMHR_POST_FAIR_VALUE_CHG' > THMHRT-hi_meas- trans = 1(transf. with doc#)
3. If you now want to change the doc # run 'RTHMHR_POST_FAIR_VALUE_CHG'not a reversal of that.
4. Reversal of valuation (TBB8) > THMHRT-hi_meas- trans = 2(measurement reversed doc. not yet posted)
5. Run 'RTHMHR_REVERSE_FV_CHANGES' > THMHRT-hi_meas- trans = 3(measurement reversed doc. posted)