SAP Program RS_CI_EMAIL - Send Code Inspector Results via E-Mail

Errors and warnings arising from an inspection can be sent to the personresponsible by e-mail
In the case of a local inspection, the user name always has to beentered.
If you are not interested in the last version of an inspection, you needto specify the version explicitly and deselect the checkbox "Lastversion as basis".
The formulation template contains the text, which is sent to the personresponsible together with the appended errors. If you would like to useyour own formulation template, you need to copy reportRS_CI_EMAILTEMPLATE to your own temporary report using transaction SE38and change it accordingly.
If you want e-mails to be sent to the person responsible, you need QMauthorization S_COV_ADM with ACTVT=37. "Send all e-mails to me" ispossible with the basic developer authorization.
"Track E-Mails" allows you to track messages to see whether they havebeen read / deleted.