SAP Program RS_BGRFC_PERFORMANCE_MONITOR - bgRFC Performance Monitor

bgRFC Performance Monitor gives you an overview of the bgRFC units inthe system. This monitor enables administrators to detect potentialproblems in bgRFC unit processing as quickly as possible.

You require authorizations from the authorization object S_BGRFC to usethe monitor. In particular, you require cross-client authorization.

bgRFC Performance Monitor shows various pieces of data about the stateof bgRFC runtime. These include the total number of units, the number ofunits with types Q and T, the number of units with the state SYSFAIL(system error), the number of executable units with the types Q and T,and the date and time of the longest running unit.
Note that the figures provided by the monitor do not have to beconsistent since the data is collected asynchronously.

You can restrict the display to inbound only, outbound only, or bothinbound and outbound units.
In the second part, you can configure the asynchronous collection of themonitor's data. Enter an RFC server group (from transaction RZ12) andthe number of processes that you want the performance monitor to use.Enter no more than 12, since this is the most tasks that can beprocessed.

The data is displayed in a list, divided into columns for the scenario,destination name, and the client.