SAP Program RSXSA_CONTENT_INSTALLER - Installer program for xSA BI Content

This program automatically installs all necessary BI Content objects ofthe SAP xApp Spend Analytics (xSA).

The report RSXSA_CONTENT_INSTALLER is available as of SAP NetWeaver 7.0BI Content Add-On 3 Support Package 09. You need to implement thisSupport Package to execute the automatic installer program for BIContent objects of xSA.

The report RSXSA_CONTENT_INSTALLER selects all BI Content objects of xSAwhich are stored in the SAP system table RSXSA_CONT_OBJ. Then it startsthe collection of dependent BI Content objects using the NW BI Contentinstallation tool. Afterwards, all collected BI Content objects areactivated from their delivered content version.
To access the table documentation start transaction SE16. Enter thetable name RXSA_CONT_OBJ and execute the transaction. Then choose Goto-> Table Docu.

The input parameter "xSA Content Version" selects the BI Content objectsfrom table RSXSA_CONT_OBJ, which have to be installed for thecorresponding xSA version.
xSA Content Version: 10/03
The first two digits determine the version of xSA (for example 10 meansversion 1.0), whereas the last two digits after the slash identify theSupport Package (e.g. 03 means Support Package 03).

The system variant "SAP<(>&<)>VERS_10/03" selects all necessary BIContent objects of xSA Version 1.0, Support Package 03.

All output (information, warnings, and error messages) of the program iswritten to the application log.
You can analyze the application log starting transaction SLG1. Thenenter the value "RSO_REPOSITORY" to field "Object" and the value"BC_INSTALL" to field "Subobject". Also enter values to the "TimeRestriction" and "User" fields to reduce the number of selectedapplication logs.

You can execute the program RSXSA_CONTENT_INSTALLER in mode "directprocessing" or in background.
Important Note:
If you execute the program in background, then already installed andpossibly modified BI Content objects of xSA are overwritten from thedelivered SAP Content version (D version). If you want to match customermodifications with the D version, you have to start the program in mode"direct processing".