SAP Program RSXPRARFCICF - XPRA: Switch Logon Data to Secure Storage

Changes have been made to the configuration of RFC destinations, HTTPproxy configurations, ICF services, and ICF aliases.
As part of these changes, logon data is no longer saved to the databastables RFCDES, PPROXY_C, ICFSERVICE, ICFALIAS, and ICFBUFFER and astronger encryption procedure is now used. The new solution is called"Secure Storage ABAP/DB".
The communication interfaces RFC (Remote Function Call) and ICF(Internet Communication Framework) have been modified so that, atruntime, logon data is not read from the tables mentioned above, butfrom Secure Storage ABAP/DB.
These changes require existing logon data to be converted to "SecureStorage ABAP/DB" (using an XPRA report).

If the worklist is not processed completely in the first run, schedulethe report RSXPRARFCICF as a background job.

Follow the instructions contained in the message long texts in the XPRAlog.