SAP Program RSXDAEXP - Dataset Record Type Documentation for Initial Data Transfer (Parser)


This program is used to display the syntax of SAP standard transferprogram files in a clear format. The syntax adapts itself to the formatthat was chosen for the IDoc types / IDoc type records (programRSEIDOC3).
The output generated can be read and interpreted by an external EDIsubsystem.

Input parameters displayed in their fields.

Data transfer object
In this selection parameter, you can specify the data transfer object(material master, customer master) whose transfer structure is to beoutput.

Output segment fields
Transfer file structures consist of segments, which in turn consist offields. You use this checkbox to specify if you want to output thefield descriptions for the individual segments.

Output language
In this field, you can select the language for comments and explanatorytexts. The deafult value is the language in which you logged on.

Syntax descriptions: Explanations

  • Non-terminals can be identified by the mixture of upper/lowercase
  • letters. Terminals consist either only of uppercase or only oflowercase letters.
    • Empty is empty output.

    • Explanatory comments are enclosed in /* and */.

    • LF is the line-end character.

    • An asterisk *) after an expression means that it can occur as
    • often as required.
      • A plus sign (+) after an expression means that it must occur at
      • least once.
        • A choice of several expressions (exclusive) is flagged by an
        • exclamation mark (!).
          • Each token together with the date that follows (if applicable) are
          • generally written to a new line, that is, or Linefeed/LF arealso used as a separator. This is particularly useful for the TEXT andVALUE_TEXT fields. After the tokens TEXT or VALUE_TEXT, a user-definedtext is output which normally contains blank characters. The line mustbe completed with linefeed so that these blank characters are notmistaken for new tokens. The user-defined text was not enclosed inquotation marks as it can also contain these characters.

            Output ::=,,Segments
            /* Output consists only of segments.
            /* Each record is described by its fields. */
            Fields ::=,,BEGIN_FIELDS LF+
            ,,,,,,END_FIELDS LF+
            Field ::=,,NAME Alphanum LF+
            ,,,,,,TEXT (Alphanum ! empty) LF+
            ,,,,,,TYPE Alphanum LF+
            ,,,,,,LENGTH Num LF+
            ,,,,,,FIELD_POS Num LF+
            ,,,,,,BYTE_FIRST Num LF+
            ,,,,,,BYTE_LAST Num LF+
            ,,,,,,IDENTVALUE Value LF+
            Segments ::=empty !
            ,,,,,,BEGIN_SEGMENT_SECTION LF+
            ,,,,,,END_SEGMENT_SECTION LF*
            /* Here the system outputs the structure of the data transfer objectyouhave selected. If you did not select any objects, this part isempty. */
            IDoc ::=,,BEGIN_DXOB Alphanum LF+
            ,,,,,,,,(Segment ! Group)*
            ,,,,,,END_DXOB LF+
            /* A transfer file structure consists of serveral segments and/orgroups. The name of the current IDoc is output after the tokenBEGIN_IDOC */
            Segment ::=,,BEGIN_SEGMENT Alphanum LF+
            ,,,,,,,,LEVEL Num LF+
            ,,,,,,,,STATUS Status LF+
            ,,,,,,,,LOOPMIN Num LF+
            ,,,,,,,,LOOPMAX Num LF+
            ,,,,,,,,(Fields ! empty)
            ,,,,,,END_SEGMENT LF+
            /* The attributes and assigned fields (if required) are output for eachsegment. The name of the current segment is output directly after thetoken BEGIN_SEGMENT. */
            Group ::=,,BEGIN_GROUP Num LF+
            ,,,,,,,,LEVEL Num LF+
            ,,,,,,,,STATUS Status LF+
            ,,,,,,,,LOOPMIN Num LF+
            ,,,,,,,,LOOPMAX Num LF+
            ,,,,,,,,(Segment ! Group)*
            ,,,,,,END_GROUP LF+
            /* A group has attributes that are stored in its first segment. Thefirst segment then has default attributes. This first segment is alsoused for flagging the beginning of the group in the IDoc type forrepetitions. Additional segments and groups can then follow. The number*/
            Values ::=,,(Single ! Range)* !
            ,,,,,,VALUE_TABLE Alphanum LF+
            /* Values are either specified in the domain (single values or range)or there is a values table assigned. If there are no values to befound, there is no output. */
            Single ::=,,VALUE 'Alphanum' LF+
            ,,,,,,VALUE_TEXT (Alphanum ! empty) LF+
            Range ::=,,VALUE_RANGE 'Alphanum' - 'Alphanum' LF+
            ,,,,,,VALUE_TEXT (Alphanum ! empty) LF+
            /* A single value is output for Single, a range is output for Range.Here the alphanumeric output is enclosed in quotation marks. Thecomment stored in the domain then follows. */
            Alphanum ::=,,(A-Z, a-z, ' ', 0-9)*
            Num ::=,,,,,,(0-9)+
            Status ::=,,,,MANDATORY ! OPTIONAL
            /* The status specifies whether a segment/group must/can occur.*/

            It is important that you maintain tables SXDA1, SXDA2 und SXDA3 for thedata transfer object. Otherwise the syntax for the object cannot befound.
            User-defined structures (Z structures) that are supported by manystandard transfer programs, can only be supported by this program ifyou started it using Transaction SXDA.