Title Purpose
Advantages: Limitations: Integration Prerequisites Features Instance data: Using a job suffix enables you to have multiple instances of the reportrunning simultaneously. Note that the times for the last run are savedfor the individual instances. You can set the report parametersdifferently here. You can restrict the selection of work items to work items forparticular tasks. You can select multiple tasks here. This option enables you to deactivate the inclusion of change work items(see above). This may be useful for performance reasons for Releases4.6C and 4.6D in particular, since there is no index to tableSWWLOGHIST, which is used for determining the changed work items. Send granularity: One message is sent for each new work item. This contains thedescription of the work item and accompanying texts, as specified underStandard Text for Notification. Only one message is sent for all new work items for a particular user.The message does not contain any information about the individual workitems. Add executable message attachments for: An SAP shortcut is added to the message so that the message receiver canstart the Business Workplace directly in the SAP GUI for Windows. An SAP shortcut is added to the message so that the message receiver candisplay the work item directly in the SAP GUI for Windows. An SAP shortcut is added to the message so that the message receiver canexecute the work item directly in the SAP GUI for Windows. Secondarymethods are also executed at the same time. Standard message text Message class of a T100 message (transaction SE91) from which thesubject line for the message is determined. Message class SWU_NOTIFcontains the messages that are shipped by SAP. Number of a T100 message (transaction SE91) from which the subject linefor the message is determined. The T100 message can contain twoparameters. Parameter &1 is replaced by the system ID. Parameter &2 isreplaced by the work item text. ID of a SAPscript text (transaction SE61) of type Text in Dialog, whichis inserted before the actual work item description in the message. Thetext contains the form of address for the user and the reference toBusiness Workflow. Ensure that the text matches the send granularity.The system proposes an appropriate text. Includes and symbols within aSAPscript text are expanded. Workflow-specific variables or expressions(for example, from the container) cannot be used, however. ID of a SAPscript text (transaction SE61) of type Text in Dialog, whichis inserted after the actual work item description in the message.Ensure that the text matches the send granularity. The system proposesan appropriate text. SAP shortcut parameter: Data for single run First day when work items are to be included. Time on first day when work items are to be included. Notifications are only generated for work items that have this user inthe Business Workplace. You must not use this option to restrict thesending of notifications in the productive environment to certain users. Log: You can display the application log by calling transaction SLG1. Enterthe object=WF and the sub object=NOTIFICATIONS as the selection values. Properties: Selection Standard Variants Output