SAP Program RSWBO099 - Unlock Objects (Expert Tool)

Use this program to unlock a request or task.
Normally, all objects in the request are unlocked, and its status isset to Modifiable. If the request has already been released, itkeeps the status Released.
Use the function Create versions of the objects to createversions of all the objects when you unlock a change request, so thatyou can document their current version.
Use the function Set to 'Released' to set the request toReleased automatically when you unlock it. You can then nolonger use this request.
Use the function Create transport of copies to create a newtransport of copies when you unlock change requests, and copy theobject list of the request to the transport.

To unlock a request, you need the administration authorization in theTransport Organizer. To display the log, you only need displayauthorization.

Unlock requests/tasks in exceptional cases only. This activity islogged. To display the log, choose Log.