SAP Program RSWBO040 - Search for Objects in Requests/Tasks

This program searches for objects in requests and tasks.
You can specify the objects in the selection screen. Some object typesused frequently are already listed, you only need to enter the name ofthe object itself (generically if you want). You can enter other objecttypes yourself.
You can restrict the requests/tasks by entering, for example, thenumber of the request, the owner, date changed, status, or the requesttype.
Objects often consist of many sub-objects. If you also want to searchfor all sub-objects, select the option Also search for sub-objects
. This option is normally deactivated, since the set of objects canbe very large.

A list of the requests/tasks appears with short texts, request owner,request type, request status and date. Choose Basic view toreduce the amount of detail displayed.
You can select requests and choose Expand. You can then seewhich object was found in this request.
You can change from the Requests view to the Objects viewby choosing Goto > Objects view. A list appears of theobjects that were found.