SAP Program RSUVM001 - SystemMeasurement: Dialog Section and Transmit of Bkgrd Jobs for Apps

System Measurement

This program collects the data needed to calculate the software licensefees. The results are stored in table TUREP.

A second system measurement should not be started in parallel. Thisincludes the background jobs started by the program (see below).

The user measurement (based on tables USR02, USR06 and USR14) run indialog mode. In addition, two background jobs are started for everyapplication (mostly IBUs):
1.The job RSUVM007 (report RSUVM007) starts a function module that theapplication must provide. The function module reports the measurementdata, that the report writes into the database table TUREP.
2. The job RSUVM008 (report RSUVM008) runs after the first. It deletesthe lock for the relevant application measurement set in table TUJOB.
Two separate jobs are run to ensure that job RSUVM008 runs, even ifRSUVM007 fails.
The report RSUVM009 is started in Releases 4.0 through 4.6A (inclusive)if the three standard function modules for measuring HR master recordsare installed.