SAP Program RSUSR404 - Conversion Program for Authorizations of Basis Development Environment

Conversion of S_DEVELOP authorizations
The existing S_DEVELOP authorizations contain implicit debugging
Authorizations for debugging and displaying/changing programs were
previously separated from one another.
This conversion program generates additional debugging authorizations
from existing authorizations. It then inserts them in the
single profiles affected. The old authorizations remain the same.
The debugging authorization can be subsequently revoked for particular
You can execute this report several times. New authorizations are
generated once only.
The conversion affects application developers; Therefore, you can
also perform it after an upgrade.
If an error occurs, you can restart the report.
The following tables are modified:

  • usr12 User master authorization values:

  • New authorizations are added.
    • usr13 Short texts for authorizations:

    • New authorizations are added.
      • usr10 User master authorization profiles:

      • Profiles affected are changed.
        • ust12 User master authorizations:

        • New authorizations are added.
          The conversion looks like this:
          Old authorization New authorization
          PROG 03 DEBUG 03
          SYST 03 DEBUG 03
          PROG 02 DEBUG 02
          SYST 02 DEBUG 01

          There are no particular requirements. If no S_DEVELOP authorizations
          exist, no new authorizations are generated.

          The new authorizations receive the same names as the original ones with
          '&' placed in first position.
          The report specifies the number of authorizations converted and the
          number of profiles changed.

          The authorization E_ABAP_ALL for object S_DEVELOP contains the
          following values:
          ACTVT = *
          OBJTYPE = PROG
          The new authorization &_ABAP_ALL is generated with the values:
          ACTVT = '02' + '03'
          OBJTYPE = DEBUG
          Single profiles that contain the S_DEVELOP authorizations
          are changed. The profile S_ABAP_ALL contains E_ABAP_ALL. The
          authorization &_ABAP_ALL is added to it.