SAP Program RSUSR010 - Executable Transactions ( All Selection Options )

List of transactions that can be started by a user with a certainprofile or authorization.
Once you have called this report from the authorization informationsystem, you start it using a variant. You find only some of the inputfields that are described below. You can display the other fields bychoosing 'All selections'.

Enter a user name and choose 'Execute'. The system displays a list ofall transactions that the user may start. All authorization checks upontransaction start are based on:
- Authorization object S_TCODE
- Authorization objects that are assigned transactions (TSTCA).
Note that further authorization checks are made within the transaction.These are not included in this report.

Enter a profile and choose 'Execute'. The system displays a list of alltransactions that a user with the specified profile can start.

Enter an authorization by specifying the authorization object andauthorization name. Choose 'Execute'. The system displays thetransactions that you may start if you have authorization to the objectS_TCODE, as well as the specified authorization.

Transaction lists. If you select a transaction with a double-click, thesystem displays the authorization objects that are checked when thetransaction is executed. This concerns SAP default values for theProfile Generator.