SAP Program RSTXTRAN - Transfer of SAPscript Texts to a Correction

The report RSTXTRAN allows a set of SAPscript texts (or the text key)to be transferred to a correction or repair of the transport system.The name of the correction/repair can either be transferred as a reportparameter, or the correction/repair can be selected later in aselection window. The text key can be qualified generically using theasterisk character (*).
When the report has been executed, the list of selected texts appears.Individual texts can be deselected in this list. When the function"Continue" is executed, the final list of texts which are to betransferred is displayed. The transfer of texts to thecorrection/repair can now be activated by the appropriate function, andmust be confirmed in a dialog box.

There is a correction/repair in which the selected text keys can beentered, if it is not being processed. The report can only insert textkeys in corrections or repairs, not however intransport requests. However, the objects contained in acorrection can be transferred to a transport request with thecorrection and transport system transaction.
It should also be noted that the report selects texts in the currentclient, but that the transport system generally exports texts fromclient 000.

When the report has been executed, a list of the selected texts isoutput. Information about whether transfer to the correction/repair waspossible is displayed for each text key.
Reasons for failed transfer include
the correction/repair is currently being processed
the correction/repair does not exist

All German standard texts with the ID ST, whose names begin withSAPSCRIPT, are to be entered in the correction B20K009999. The reportparameters are then assigned values as follows:
Correction: B20K009999
Text object: TEXT
Text name: SAPSCRIPT*
Text ID: ST
Text language: D

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