SAP Program RSTXSITF - Report For Unloading an ITF Format to a Dataset

In order to export texts from the R/3 word processing systemSAPscript to external systems, the ITF format is used. The textsare downloaded from the data base of the R/3 System to a dataset in thefile system of the R/3 server using the report RSTXSITF. Note:It will also be possible to export SAPscript layout sets andstyles in a later version of RSTXSITF.
The report should be run in batch if there are large amounts of text.When the data is downloaded there is
no authorization check on the user,
no confirmation prompt if the dataset which is to be generated alreadyexists.
Only objects which are stored in the SAPscript text file can beexported, not documentation texts or hypertext modules, for example.

Format of the file generated:
Every exported text in the generated dataset comprises a header blockwith administration information, preceded by "/HTEXT", and a main textblock preceded by "/M". The lengths of the attributes are specified inparanthesis, the paranthesis and their contents are not part ofthe text format.
/:OBJECT object(<=10)
/:NAME name(<=70)
/:ID id(<=4)
/:LANGUAGE language(=1)
/:FORM form_id(<=16)
/:STYLE style_id(<=8)
/:FIRST-USER identifier(<=12)
/:FIRST-DATE day(<=2) month(<=2) year(=4)
/:FIRST-TIME hour(<=2) minute(<=2) second(<=2)
/:LAST-USER identifier(<=12)
/:LAST-DATE day(<=2) month(<=2) year(=4)
/:LAST-TIME hour(<=2) minute(<=2) second(<=2)
/:TITLE 'title(<=50)'
/:TITLE1 'title1(<=16)'
/:TITLE2 'title2(<=16)'
* Standard paragraph with any text
/ Text line with any text and line break at beginning
Text line with any text without line break at beginning
/ ...

Header block:
The attributes OBJECT, NAME, ID andLANGUAGE specify the text key used in the SAPscript textfile.
The attributes from key word FORM contain administrationinformation, which is also stored in the SAPscript textfile. Their function is described in the report documentation forreport RSTXLITF. A dataset in ITF format can be re-uploaded to the R/3System and stored using this report.

Main text block:
The actual text is in the main text block. The ITF format requires atwo-character tag column at the beginning of each text line followed bythe actual text of that line. The length of the text in the line(without tag column) is limited to a maximum of 132 characters. The tagcolumn can contain the following:
"* " - Beginning of a standard paragraph
"XX" - Beginning of a paragraph with paragraph tag "XX". The allocatedstyle or layout set must contain this paragraph tag when the text isformatted using SAPscript, otherwise the default paragraph is used. Aparagraph tag can have one or two characters, and must begin with aletter and end with a letter or figure.
"/ " - Beginning of a new line in the current paragraph.
" " - Continuation of a line in the current paragraph without a linebreak at the beginning of the line.
"/*" - Comment line which is not output when the text is formatted.
"/:" - Command line, which is interpreted but not output when the textis formatted.

Parameters of RSTXSITF
Parameters used to call up the report are:
Dataset name: Name of the dataset (for example, path or filename under UNIX)
Test export: If the flag is set ("X"), a dataset is notgenerated, but the ITF format to be exported is displayed in the listgenerated by the report.
If the flag is not activated (set to blank), the actual text export tothe specified dataset is carried out.
Print statistics: If this flag is set ("X"), a list withstatistical information about the texts to be exported is output.
Character set number: If a character set conversion is to takeplace before the text export, the identification of the character set,in which the text is to be stored in the dataset, must be specifiedhere. If an entry is not made here, the dataset is written in thecharacter set of the R/3 System.
Character sets are identified in the R/3 System by 4-digit numbers. Thecharacter sets which can be used here must be defined in the system andmust not contain any multi-byte characters. All characters canonly be coded by one byte. If the character set is not the systemcharacter set, a conversion is carried out before the text export fromthe system character set to the specified character set. Unknowncharacters are replaced by the hash (<35>) during the character setconversion.
Select styles/layout sets: If this flag is set ("X"), only
SAPscript styles and layout sets are selected and exported. Inthis case, the parameter "ID" (see below) is ignored, and onlythe values "STYLE", "FORM" or "*" are allowed for the parameter
Note: Styles and layout sets cannot be exported in thisversion of RSTXSITF. Objects are therefore not exported if theflag is activated.
If the flag is not activated (set to blank), only texts are selectedand exported.
The number of objects which are to be exported can be limited using thefollowing four parameters, which form the key under which objects arestored in the SAPscript text file:
Object: Object to be exported, for example "TEXT". A genericselection can be made using the asterisk, for example "T*". Styles arestored under the object "STYLE", layout sets under "FORM".
ID: ID to be exported, for example "ST". A generic selection canbe made using the asterisk, for example "S*".
Name: Name to be exported, for example "TESTTEXT". A genericselection can be made using the asterisk, for example "TEST*".
Language: Language to be exported, for example "D". It ispossible to select all languages by entering "*".

See above.

The report generates a list logging all steps of the text export, suchas objects which could not be exported, objects which were exported,etc.

The documentation for report RSTXLITF contains an example of how adatast with a text in ITF format may appear.