SAP Program RSTCX_UPG - Check table control variants after upgrade

User Settings for Non-Configurable Table Controls

This program looks for table controls for which user settings exist,even though the table control was created as non-configurable in theScreen Painter. This may occur on purpose, but can also lead to what,on the surface, may appear to be an error:
If a table control is set to non-configurable (during release upgradeor during the development process, for example), the user settingsvalid at the time of the change retain their validity. This may meanthat your table control's graphical representation is no longer whatyou expect.

The program generates a list of the programs and table controlsaffected according to the entries made on the selection screen.
If you want get rid of these user settings, then you must usetransaction SE16 (Data Browser) to delete them from table TCVIEW.
If the "Check all user settings" option is selected, the system checksall user settings that exist. This may take quite some time; thereforeit is recommended that you only use this option when processing in thebackground.