SAP Program RSSTATX4 - XPRA to Change Mon. Contents Incompatible with Release 4.6; Host Names

XPRA for changing incompatible workload statistics for the workloadmonitor (Transaction ST03). The program converts existing workloadstatistics from the table MONI. These statistics have to be convertedas host names were extended for Release 4.6 (and higher) and thestatistics could not be read otherwise.
Data conversion is only required for an upgrade from Release 4.0 or4.5.
If the program was not run during the upgrade, it can be run later. Ifthe program is not run, workload statistics cannot be stored in thedatabase. In addition, the hourly collection programs run as part ofthe jobs COLLECTOR_FOR_PERFORMANCEMONITOR orSAP_COLLECTOR_FOR_PERFMONITOR will terminate with short dumps. If youattempt to display old data using Transaction ST03, this will alsoterminate with a short dump.
The data affected has an ID of 'DD' (this includes, in particular,tables SUMMY and INSTTAB).
The program may run for an hour or more, depending on the amount ofdata. You can also delete the data completely: Choose "Goto ->Performance database -> Contents of database". In the next screen,choose "Del. group", enter the ID 'DD' and confirm.
After the program is executed, the collection will run normally, exceptthat the data will now be stored under the instance name and not underthe server name. The old data can still be viewed using the servername.

The program informs you which data was successfully converted. If theprogram terminates with a short dump or the error "Table MONI could notbe locked, please try again" is displayed, restart the program.
You can also run the program after the upgrade. If you do run it then,make sure the report RSCOLL00 is not planned as a background job. Thisjob is usually called COLLECTOR_FOR_PERFORMANCEMONITOR orSAP_COLLECTOR_FOR_PERFMONITOR.
This report may change a large amount of data. Therefore, a databaseerror that occurs when this report is executed may be due to rollbacksegments (or similar) that are too small.