SAP Program RSSORE00 - Reorganization

The program deletes data of documents that no longer have a connectionto a parent object.
Runtime example as a planning aid:
123000 documents exist of the type that will be reorganized.
2000 were identified by the reorganization as having no parent object.
Runtime of the program in realtime with detailed log:
17 minutes, of which:
14 minutes for determining documents without parent object (which means
that the value increases according to the increase in the
number of documents of the same type in the system,
regardless of whether the documents have a parent object).
3 minutes for deleting data (value increases according to the increase
in the number of documents without a parent object).
The runtime is not affected by documents of other types.

Start this report with the delivered variants.
If you reorganize folders, first start the corresponding variant.
If a folder without a parent object is deleted, the objects contained inthat folder no longer have a parent object, either. The remaininginformation about these objects is then entered when other variants arestarted.
Note: Since you can create any PC objects as of Release 3.0 (see
the Release Notes), there are no single variants for PC objects.
All PC objects are created with the variants SAP_EXT*.
Technical note:
Before you start this program for the first time, ask your system
administrator about indexes.
There must be an index for tables SORD and SOFM that begins with thefield OBJNO or DOCNO. (If you use Informix, run an "Update Statistics"job.)

Detailed log: For each object, the number of records found of each type(suitable for a test run).
Mini log: The total number of records found of each type (suitable forrealtime).

You want to delete folders and SAPscript objects that have no parentobject. First start the
variant SAP_FOL_LIVE and then the variant SAP_SCR_LIVE.
You want to see what would happen if you were to delete distribution
lists that have no parent object. Start the variant SAP_DLI_TEST.

966854Reorganization - New report
1003800SOER key with hex field in ADRVP
728063Obsolete: How to use Reorganization
800140RSSOREKI: Deleting MSG and RCP objects from the SOMG
918331Reorg does not include certain send jobs
510969SAPoffice: Reorganization - Corrections