SAP Program RSSOQUTA - Calculation of the quota

Calculation of Quota

This report collects the number and size of documents that users havein their private folder area and also it sends messages to the usersfor whom key figures are exceeded.
In the upper part of the selection screen enter the users who are to beselected and/or sent a mail. If you leave all three fields(distribution list, organisation object and user) empty then all userswill be selected/sent a mail.
In the middle part you can decide whether only aggregated data aresaved or whether data to single folder entries are also saved. If youcollect all data the user can later see exactly which documents havecontributed to their quota. Furthermore, in the middle part of thescreen you can set it so that data are only really selected for theusers whose last quota calculation was carried out a long time ago.
In the lower part of the screen you can decide the conditions underwhich a user shall receive a mail. Furthermore, you can also restrictthe recipients of a mail to those users whose last quota calculationwas carried out not too long ago (this is particularly sensible if youare running the report without reselecting data).