The object history is a generic service that provides a list of theapplication objects last used by a particular user. You can display theobject history by choosing System -> My Objects -> Object History.
For each application, the object history lists the last 20 objects usedby the user, for example up to 20 orders, projects, or customer queries.If a user works with more than 20 objects of the same type at the sametime, the objects added earlier are deleted from the list automatically.
The report RSSGOSHIRE offers you the following functions:
The object history can be activated or deactivated across the wholesystem.
If the object history is activated for the whole system, you candeactivate it for individual users with the parameter SOBJHIST = 'X'.
You can delete the entire data of the object history.
This removes all data from the table SGOSHIST.
You can delete the entire data of the object history.
In a reorganization, the entries of each user in table SGOSHIST arereduced to 20 entries for each application object. This reorganizationis done automatically when a user displays the object history.

Any application objects that are to be displayed in the object historymust first be published when the application starts, using the classCL_GOS_MANAGER.