SAP Program RSSERP61 - Classify forms

This report allows you to classify SAPscript forms, that is to attachthem to nodes in the form tree that you specify. Your forms can beselected according to package, form class, form name, or last changedby. The technical name of the node you want to attach your form to mustbe entered as a parameter on the selection screen. Possible values isavailable.

The report creates a list displaying the node you have selected and thenumber of forms that it contains.
From this list you can:
1) 'Choose form'.
2) Save selected forms using 'Save form tree'
3) Goto the form tree
1) The'Choose form' function allows you to select and deselect forms.Only the entries you have marked will appear in the tree structure.
The basic list displays the number of forms contained within the nodeas well as the number of forms selected in the node.
2) When you choose 'Save', the system sends a warning message and thenattaches the forms that you have selected to their corresponding nodesin the form tree.
3) The 'Goto -> Form tree' function allows you to branch to the formtree maintenance transaction.