SAP Program RSSCD800 - Set the UCCHECK Flag in TRDIR for Generated Sources

Set UCCHECK flag for generated sources of the change document object

The RSSCD800 report should guarantee that UNICODE compatability of thegenerated sources of the change document objects.


The system checks that the SAP Release is not lower than 50A. If thisis the case, an error occurs and the program is ended.
The system checks whether the UCCHECK field is available in the TFDIRtable. If not, there is an error output and the program is ended.
The change document objects available in the system are read. Theavailability of change document objects is checked. If no changedocuments are available, an error occurs and the program is ended.
All generated sources are provided for the available change documentobject and the UCCHECK flag is then set for this using MODIFY TRDIR.
The system informs you of the number of successful and unsuccessfulflag modifications.