SAP Program RSRPCNTR - Delete Country-Specific Reports in Report Trees

Deletes country-specific reports from reporting trees.
The program RSRPCNTR allows you to delete country-specific reports fromreporting trees in Customizing. The entries in table SREPOCENTR formthe basis for this.
You can make further selections on the selection screen:

  • Reports to be deleted: Selection of reports to be deleted.

  • Generates a set from table SREPOCNTR and the reports specified here. Ifno selection is made, the deletion from the reporting tree is onlyaccording to table SREPOCENTR.
    • Reporting tree: TREE_ID from which deletion is to be performed.

    • In Customizing, you can get an overview of all reporting trees withTransaction SARP (Display) and SERP (Change).
      • Delete also in user trees: If this parameter is set (i.e. checkbox
      • selected), the selected reports are also deleted in all user treeswhich refer to the specified tree.
        Normally, this parameter should always be set, in order to avoid anydifferences between user trees and standard trees.
        • Change database: If this parameter is set (i.e. checkbox selected),
        • deletion is performed in the reporting tree. Otherwise, it it issimulated only in test mode and a list is generated with the reportsthat would have been deleted.
          Before the deletion takes place, you see a warning dialog box where youcan cancel the operation.

          The selected reporting tree cannot be locked. Otherwise, you get anerror message.

          1. Selection list of countries according to table SREPOCNTR. Here, youcan define those countries for whose country-specific reports are to bedeleted.
          2. Optional: Selection list of reports from SREPOCNTR according tocountry choice in (1).
          3. List of reports which either have been deleted from the reportingtree or would have been deleted in test mode.