SAP Program RSRLDREL - Program RSRLDREL: Deletion of roles and links

Deletes links between objects. The links are in tables defined by theapplication which are stored in view cluster VRBINRELATION for the linktype. They are then no longer needed if the related objects (forexample application documents) have been archived. Unlike the objectshowever, the links cannot be archived, that is, after deletion they areirretrievably lost.


You can make your selections according to either role/object type orlink type. For the meanings of these parameters read theapplication help after starting the report (path in the SAPLibrary: Basis -> Basis Services ->Business Workplace->Generic BusinessTools for Application Developers->Relationship Services).
For the meaning of deletion criteria see the example below.

An example of relationships with IDocs can be found in the SAP Library(path: Basis->Basis Services->IDoc Interface/EDI->
Archiving->Deleting Relationships with IDocs).

853035New reorganization report for object relationships
574349IDoc: Avoiding IDC4 links
1276402Send requests cannot be deleted due to links
707820Performance: Object links and RSRLDREL
493156Performance of BDoc message related object links
907464Performance of RSRLDREL
675725Unnecessary BDocs in SRM (EBP) from queue CSA_MASS_BUPA
522329Reorganization of object links ignores BDoc messages
493076Reorg of BDoc related object links fails
149367IDoc: Link and archiving