Purpose Detecting and removing unnecessary or erroneous performance databaseentries and object catalog entries (=List of monitoring objects andmonitoring attributes, the values of which are stored in the PerfDB)that cannot be recognized by the automatic reorganization (ProgramRSPFDB_REORG). Prerequisites You should expect very long runtime with this program. You shouldtherefore ensure that the maximum dialog process runtime (systemparameter rdisp/max_wprun_time, you can use transaction RZ11 to changeit) is set to a sufficiently large value. Alternatively, you can run the program as a background job, where youmust use a variant to fill out the selection fields. Selection "Invalid PerfDB Entries" - Performance database entries that do notbelong to any defined type are detected and deleted (Duration: up to 5Minutes). "PerfDB Entries w/o Obj.Ent." - Performance database entries for whichthere is no corresponding entry in the object catalog are detected anddeleted (Duration: up to 5 Minutes). "Objects without Perf. Attributes" - The system searches in the objectcatalog for monitoring objects for which there are no performanceattributes and therefore also no values in the performance database(Duration up to 20 Minutes). |