SAP Program RSORAHST - Oracle DB statistics history: Take snapshot + reorg snapshots

Oracle DB statistics history: Take snapshot + reorg snapshots

This report will be started periodically TCOLL driven via reportRSORAHCL (see also online documentation of RSORAHCL). Maintenance ofTCOLL in transaction ST03N: Select subtree "Collector" -> "Performancemonitor collector" -> "Execution times". Maintain the entry for reportRSORAHCL.
You also can start RSORAHST manually

  • in order to reorganize snapshots

  • or in order to create an "ad hoc" snapshot.
  • Prerequisites
    If you call this report directly, parameter values have to be enteredmanually.
    If this report is called by RSORAHCL (History collector), the values forthe parameters are taken from table ORA_HISTPAR. Call transaction SM30and set the parameter values in table ORA_HISTPAR.

    Meaning of the parameter values:

    • On errrors send mail to

    • You can enter SAP user names of administrators who should be informed bymail (SAP office) in case of errors during snapshot creation or snapshotreorganization
      • Create a new snapshot

      • Check this parameter to create a new (periodical) snapshot
        • Reorganize old snapshots

        • Check this parameter to reorganize old snapshots. If this parameter ischecked, you also have to maintain the following parameter values.
          • Delete all manual snapshots older than .. days

          • Set the number of days, which should be the limit for manual snapshotsto be kept.
            • Delete all periodic snapshots older than .. days

            • Set the number of days, which should be the limit for periodicalsnapshots to be kept. All periodical snapshots older than this valuewill be deleted.
              • Section Per. snapshots - possibility to keep weekday + time

              • Within this section you are able to define a time area, where snapshotsare deleted except snapshots of a defined weekday + time. If you don'tset these parameters, this section will be ignored.
                Delete periodic snapshots older than .. days
                Set the number of days, which should be the limit for periodicalsnapshots to be kept. All periodical snapshots older than this valuewill be deleted, except the snapshots that fulfill the next twoparameters (day of week and time).
                Exception: Day of week
                Exception: Time
                Maintain one day of week and one or more time intervals. All snapshotsthat fulfill these conditions will be kept / NOT reorganized.
                • Section Per. snapshots - possibility to keep time

                • Within this section you are able to define a time area, where snapshotsare deleted except snapshots oftime. If you don't set these parameters,this section will be ignored.
                  Delete periodic snapshots older than .. days
                  Set the number of days, which should be the limit for periodicalsnapshots to be kept. All periodical snapshots older than this valuewill be deleted, except the snapshots that fulfill the parameter (time).
                  Exception: Time
                  Maintain one or more time intervals. All snapshots that fulfill thisconditions will be kept / NOT reorganized.
                  The next 2 parameters are only relevant if snapshot tables arecompressed:
                  • Reorg. Compressed tables

                  • This parameter indicates if compressed tables must be reorganized. (E.g.because many entries were deleted and space has to be reorganized)
                    • Tablespace for tmp. Reorg data

                    • During reorganization the snapshot data will be saved in temporarytables. If this data should not be stored in the SAP data tablespacesspecify the name of another tablespace in this parameter.

1411834DBA Cockpit: GVD_* tables, RSORAHCL, history
1080813DBA Cockpit: Changing history update (Oracle database)