SAP Program RSORADJV - Display joins of V$-, GV$- and DBA-Views (Owner SYS)

Display joins of v$-, gv$- and dba-views.


Specify a SELECT statement which reads data of tables / views with ownerSYS.
The syntax is as follows:
SELECT [ hint ] [ { DISTINCT | UNIQUE } | ALL ] select_list
FROM table_reference [, table_reference]...
[ WHERE condition ]
[ hierarchical_query_clause ]
[ group_by_clause ]
[ HAVING condition ]
[ { UNION | UNION ALL | INTERSECT | MINUS } ( subquery )]
[ order_by_clause ]
A hint is placed between "/*+" and "*/"
A select list has the following syntax:
{ * |
{[table_alias.]dbfieldname | expression} alias [
,[table_alias.]dbfieldname | expression} alias] ... }
An expression within this select list can be every form ofcalculation: +, -, *, /, ||. Also unary functions are allowed (LN, MIN,AVG ...)
Syntax for a table reference is:
{(select statement) [table_alias] | table [table_alias]}
All other parts of the syntax are according to the sql standard.
Some conventions and restrictions:

  • Each column that is specified in the select list will be a column in the
  • output list
    • If a select list element is specified with an (column) alias, this alias
    • will be used as header text in the output list. In the other case theprogram uses the field name of the select list element as header text.If a select list element is an expression (no data base field), thealias is obligatory.
      ==> IMPORTANT: For every expression that is no data base field use acolumn alias!
      • Every column alias that is specified in the select list of a subquery
      • can be used like a dbfieldname in the select statement.
        • If more than one table is specified in the from clause, the columns are
        • matched to one table for reasons of unique-ness. If a column name occursin more than one table unique-ness cannot be guaranteed. In this caseyou have to spacify a table alias before the column name (dbfieldname)!
          ==> IMPORTANT: When more than one table is specified, and column namesthat have to be outputted occur in more than one table, use a tablealias!

          The data is displayed in a table using the standard ALV grid control.

          Edit statement within editor screen.

          • Parse the SELECT statement with "SQL Command -> Parse"

          • Parse and execute the SELECT statement with "SQL Command -> Execute" ==>
          • The statement will be checked and executed; you finally get the resultdisplayed in a ALV grid control as list.
            • Save the current SELECT statement with the button "Save as local file"
            • to your frontend
              • Laod a (previous saved) statement with the button "Load a local file"
              • from your frontend

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1257075SQL_ID Data Collector (Oracle or higher)