Title Display joins of v$-, gv$- and dba-views. Features Selection Specify a SELECT statement which reads data of tables / views with ownerSYS. The syntax is as follows: SELECT [ hint ] [ { DISTINCT | UNIQUE } | ALL ] select_list FROM table_reference [, table_reference]... [ WHERE condition ] [ hierarchical_query_clause ] [ group_by_clause ] [ HAVING condition ] [ { UNION | UNION ALL | INTERSECT | MINUS } ( subquery )] [ order_by_clause ] A hint >is placed between "/*+" and "*/" A select list >has the following syntax: { * | {[table_alias.]dbfieldname | expression} alias [ ,[table_alias.]dbfieldname | expression} alias] ... } An expression >within this select list can be every form ofcalculation: +, -, *, /, ||. Also unary functions are allowed (LN, MIN,AVG ...) Syntax for a table reference is: {(select statement) [table_alias] | table [table_alias]} All other parts of the syntax are according to the sql standard. Some conventions and restrictions:
- Each column that is specified in the select list will be a column in the
output list
- If a select list element is specified with an (column) alias, this alias
will be used as header text in the output list. In the other case theprogram uses the field name of the select list element as header text.If a select list element is an expression (no data base field), thealias is obligatory. ==> IMPORTANT: For every expression that is no data base field use acolumn alias!