SAP Program RSOD_META_DOC_INDEX - Obsolete as of 7.0: Structuring and Checking Metadata Documentation

Generation of Documentation for metadata

With this program you can generate the online documentation for BWobjects and place it in the indexing queue. The online documentationis always created dynamically. Therefore, this is the only way it canbe indexed and made accessible to the search engine.


You can generate documentation for the active version and for theContent version.
You use the active version if you want to find current documentationfor metadata in Reporting or in the Administrator Workbench.
Use the Content version only if you want to find documentation in theContent version in the Metadata Repository of the AdminstratorWorkbench. Generating the Content version can take some time.
You can also specify whether links to dependent objects are also to begenerated in the documentation. Generating these links means that thegeneration process lasts significantly longer, since the system createsa where-used list for all BW objects. The advantage here is that youcan carry out a textual search for objects in this where-used list.
For example, if the characteristic Person Responsible is anattribute of the characteristic Cost Center, and you search thedocuments for the term Person Responsible, the search enginefinds both characteristics (and their documentation).
If links were not generated, the system only finds the characteristicPerson Responsible (and its documentation) in this example.
After the initial generation, in the DocumentsAdministration, you must set the indicator "Take Changes to Metadatainto Account". The system then records changes made to metadata andtakes them into account when the indexing job is next run. You do notneed to explicitly generate the documentation for metadata.