SAP Program RSMW_SHOW_BDOCSUMMARY2 - Display Summary of Unprocessed BDoc Messages

Unprocessed BDoc Message Statistics

You can display the sum of unprocessed BDoc messages grouped by BDoctype and client. With this information you can determine the system'sstate before applying a support package or for monitoring purposes.


Client: To restrict the clients, specify a range.
BDoc Type Short Name: To restrict BDoc types, specify a range.
Select System Type: If you maintainted the client role in table T000,you can use these options to display statistics only for clients ofmarked client roles. If no option is selected, no restriction applies.
Layout: Choose the name of an existing ABAP List Viewer (ALV) layout.You can save ALV layouts in the output list.

You get a list of unprocessed messages. You can use standard ALVfunctions for adjusting screen output.

Display unprocessed message statistics. If you want to check messagedetails, log on to the displayed clients and choose Middleware >Monitoring > Message Flow > Display BDoc Messages and Display BDocMessage Summary.