SAP Program RSLVCINIT - Initialize liveCache

This program is used to initialize a liveCache in an SCM system.



  • The integration data for the liveCache must be correctly stored
  • (transaction DB59 or LC10 -> Integration). You also need to be able torun DBMServer commands for the liveCache using the DBMRFC connection.
    • The executing user must have authorization to initialize a liveCache.
    • This is contained in the role SAP_BC_LVC_SUPERUSER.
      • The SAP user stored in the User Profile Container of DBMServer must
      • match the entry for the standard liveCache user in the integration data.After initialization, the user is created in the liveCache as it isstored in the User Profile Container.

        PCONNAME:,,Name of the database connection


        Special Features:

        • The individual actions of the program and its result are stored in a
        • table as an extended log. You can display this in transaction LC10 bychoosing "Properties" and "Operating".
          • The program initially attempts to set a lock (LC_ADMIN_<(><<)>

          • IV_CON_NAME>). If someone else already holds this lock, the program te
            rminates with an error message. The lock is released again when theprogram ends (with or without an error message).

            Process Steps:
            The program

            • Executes any preprocessing reports stored in the integration data

            • Informs all work processes that they need to use the secondary
            • connection to check the validity of the next SQL statement before run
              ning it.
              • Initializes the liveCache by executing the script lcinit or lcinit.bat
              • (Microsoft Windows). A Unicode or an ASCII liveCache is then created,depending on the code page type of the application server.
                • Checks the lcinit.log log file for error messages

                • Executes any postprocessing reports stored in the integration data
                • Special Features for Preprocessing and Postprocessing Reports

                  • You can specify up to ten reports in the integration data as
                  • preprocessing or postprocessing reports for an action.
                    • The reports of a report chain of this type (such as preprocessing
                    • reports for initialization) must all be different. Different chains(such as preprocessing reports and postprocessing reports forinitialization) can, however, contain the same reports.
                      • The reports are processed synchronously in an additional task.

                      • If asynchronous processing is desired, you can execute the reports
                      • asynchronously or schedule them as a background job.
                        • By exporting a text to the main memory, the reports can signal if an
                        • error has occurred or a termination of the program is desired:
                          EXPORT report_return_text = <(><<)>TEXT>
                          TO MEMORY ID 'LC_REPORT_RETURN_TEXT'
                          <(><<)>TEXT>: up to 255 characters in length
                          <(><<)>TEXT> starts with "STOP " : Preprocessing or postprocessingreport is signalling that further processing of the start, stop, orinitialization process should be terminated by the program, for example,because the report is performing the liveCache start itself. Programends (without an error message).
                          <(><<)>TEXT> does not start with "STOP ": Preprocessing orpostprocessing report is returning an error. A more detailed errormessage is shown in the <(><<)>TEXT>. The program terminates with anerror message.
                          <(><<)>TEXT>: Ýou can view this in the detailed log in transaction LC10(under "Properties# and "Operating#)

326073Starting and stopping liveCache with transaction LC10
821200Standard user must be known to the DBM server
764537Problems when you initialize liveCache (SCM 4.0 & 4.1)