SAP Program RSLTCLMS - Delete Language-Specific Table Entries with Table PUTTB

This program selects all the exchange tables for the current release.The exchange tables are determined using table PUTTB. All entries <> D,E in these tables are deleted.
The program requires you to enter:
1. The path for backing up deleted table entries.
2. A start number (1, 2, 3)
A maximum of 30 tables can be handled whenever the program is
As there are more than 30 exchange tables, you must start at least
two runs.
When start number = 1, tables 1 - 30 are handled.
When start number = 2, tables 31 - 60 etc.
3. Test mode
If you want to start a test run first, then
test mode must be set to 'X' (default).
In this case, table entries are not deleted.
The deleted table entries are stored in a file

in thespecified path.
A list is output with the number of table entries for each exchangetable and language before and after deleting theforeign-language entries. &PRECONDITION&

List with number of table entries for each language
File with deleted table entries