SAP Program RSLDARCH04 - Reload Program for Database Log Archive

With the program RSLDARCH04 you can reload database log archivesto the database. These are the archives generated by the programRSLDARCH01. The program requests a parameter,which determines whether the data should actually be reloaded orwhether a test run should be performed. The reload is simulated in thetest run and a reload log is generated.
You can only reload an archive to the database as a whole. You cannotjust reload parts of the archive.
The reload program is started via ArchiveAdministration (archiving object 'BC_DBLOGS'). It is executed in thebackground.

The only precondition for executing the program is the existence ofaccessible database log archives.

In test mode the program generates a reload log, which tells how manydata records should be reloaded. You can view the log withArchive Administration.
This log is also generated in productive mode. In addition the datafrom the selected archives is rewritten to the database. The oldarchive is deleted and a new archive is automatically created by thearchive management. All data that is not to be reloaded, should bewritten to this new archive. However, since all data is always reloadedin this case, the new archive remains empty.

See also
Term definition object / archivingobject
Term definition archivingprogram
Term definition delete program
Archiving program table logs
Delete program table logs
Read program table logs