SAP Program RSIR_CONVERT_MIMETAB - KPro: Analyzing and Converting of Table SDOKMIME_C

Analyzing and Converting Table SDOKMIME_C

The table SDOKMIME_C contains content types (also known as MIME types),each of which corresponds to a file name extension. Because the tablecontains entries from previous releases, a file name extension mayoccur several times in the table with different spellings. Also, thespelling of the content types in the table may not always beconsistent.
The program has a search function which allows you to search forinconsistent entries and automatically convert them.
There is also an option which records automatically converted tableentries by means of a transport request. (However, this option does notwork if the program is executed in the background.)
To analyze the table without performing any conversion, you can executethe program using the option 'Test Run'. In this case, no table entriesare changed and no transport request is generated.
It is not always possible to automatically convert the table entries incases where there are a number of table entries (all with differentspellings) for one file name extension. (However, an automaticallycreated transport request does include these entries.) In such cases,you have to change the table entries by hand. All you need to do isdelete all but one of the entries for each file name extension andenter the appropriate content type in the remaining entry. To recordentries you have changed by hand, simply re-execute the program.
