SAP Program RSINF020 - INFORMIX Partition Header Table (from systabinfo)

INFORMIX System Monitoring Interface Tables
sysptnhdr (Partition headers information)
Column Type Description
partnum int Partition number in partition table
partno int Partition number in partition header
flags smallint Partition flags
pctfree smallint Percent free (reserved)
rowsize smallint Row size (max for variable)
ncols smallint Number of special columns
nkeys smallint Number of keys
nextns smallint Number of extents
created int Date created
serialv int Current serial value
fextsiz int First extent size
nextsiz int Next extent size
nptotal int Number of pages allocated
npused int Number of pages used
npdata int Number of data pages
nplvar int Number of special column bytes
nbytes int Number of data bytes
nrows int Number of data rows