SAP Program RSINF015 - INFORMIX Partition Profile (from sysptprof)

INFORMIX System Monitoring Interface Tables
sysptprof (Tablespace information)
Column Type Description
dbsname char(18) Database name
tabname char(18) Table name
partnum int Partition(tblspace) number
isreads int Number of isreads for this table
iswrites int Number of iswrites for this table
isrewrites int Number of isrewrites for this table
isdeletes int Number of isdeletes for this table
lockreqs int Number of lock requests for this table
deadlks int Number of deadlocks for this table
lktouts int Number of lock timeouts for this table
lockwts int Number of lock waits for this table
bufreads int Number of buffer reads for this table
bufwrites int Number of buffer writes for this table
seqscans int Number of sequential scans for thistable