SAP Program RSHD_TV_SCRV_SG - Convert old transaction variants to new transaction variants

Converting Transaction Variants

The transaction variant concept and transaction variant functionalityhave been reworked for Release 4.6A.
The new functions available made a technical change necessary in howdata is stored. The system now automatically converts all of thetransaction variants it findsd to the new technical structure whenupgrading from Release 3.0x, 3.1x, 4.0x, or 4.5x to Release 4.6x.
If necessary, use report RSHD_TV_SCRV_SG to convert the transactionvariants manually. You may select new transaction variant names freelyaccording to your own criteria in this report.
If the (old) variant is client-specific, it is converted in the currentclient, if it is cross-client, a new cross-client variant is created.