SAP Program RSHD_TV_SCRV_DISPL - Unconverted transaction variants and variant transactions

Unconverted Transaction Variants and Variant Transactions

The transaction variant concept and transaction variant functionalityhave been reworked for Release 4.6A. The new functions available made atechnical change necessary in how data is stored. ReportRSHD_TV_SCRV_XPRA automatically converts all transaction variants foundin the system to the new technical structure when upgrading fromRelease 3.0x, 3.1x, 4.0x, or 4.5x to Release 4.6x. Variant transactionsare converted as well.
Sometimes not all transaction variants and variant transactions areconverted.

You can use this report to display those transaction variants andvariant transactions in all clients that have not been automaticallyconverted along with the reason why they were not converted.


What do I do if...

...not all transaction variants were converted?
This can happen form one or more of the following reasons:

  • A transaction variant with the same name already exists in the system

  • either because the transaction variant has already been converted, or
    because a transaction variant with the new name already exists in thesystem (for example, one delivered by SAP that has already beenconverted).
    • The system was unable to choose a name, since its suggestion would have
    • contained more than 30 characters (this can only happen withtransactions whose names contain more than 15 characters).
      If necessary, use report RSHD_TV_SCRV_SG to convert the transactionvariants manually. You may select new transaction variant names freelyaccording to your own criteria in this report.
      Old (that is, not converted) and new (converted) transaction variantscan be compared using Report RS_HD_SCRV_COMP.

      ...not all variant transactions were converted?
      This can happen form one or more of the following reasons:

      • The (old) variant transaction is invalid,

      • because the transaction called does not exist, or
        because the (old) variant transaction does not exist
        • The new variant transaction already exists,

        • because it has already been converted, or
          because the corresponding (new) variant already exists
          • The new variant transaction does not exist,

          • because the (old) variant transaction could not be converted
            Convert any of the variant transactions you need manually (transactioncode maintenance):
            Replace the old transaction variant with a new one, but do not changeany of the other settings.
            Old (that is, not converted) and new (converted) transaction variantscan be compared using Report RS_HD_SCRV_COMP.


            Name of the transaction(s) whose variants you want to display

            Name of the variant(s) that you want to display

            Client where the variants should be displayed (if you select "Variantsfrom all clients", the system ignores any entries in this field).

            Variants from all clients
            If this field is selected, all client-specific variants from allclients are displayed (any entry found in field "Client" is ignored inthis case).

            Cross-client variants
            If this field is selected, all cross-client variants are displayed.

            Variant transactions too
            If this field is selected, variant transactions are displayed as well.