SAP Program RSEIDOCM - Do Not Use -> Instead Use RSEIDOCA

All of the IDocs that were created in the specified period, whosecurrent status belongs to one of the specified status groups, and whichfulfill any other selection criteria are evaluated. This evaluation isusually scheduled as a batch job but can also be started interactively.The time limits are determined at runtime based on the time parametersentered. If the number of IDocs, whose current status is contained inone of the specified status groups, exceeds the 'Critical IDoc number',an alarm message is sent to the recipient stated.

The report indicates whether or not an "alarm message" was sent.
The recipient notified if a problem occurs can display the 'alarmmessage' via the integrated inbox. The current status of the IDocs canbe evaluated and displayed using the 'refresh' function.

The following minimum entries are required to perform an evaluation:
Recipient type US
Recipient of notification MYUSER
Day(s) hh/mm/ss
Start time before batch run 002 00:00:00
End time before batch run 001 00:00:00
Critical IDoc number 1
Status group 1