SAP Program RSEIDOCG - EDI: Convert current status in Intermediate Documents

The report RSEIDOCG is used for the further processing of IDocs createdin 2.1/2.2 in a system with Release 3.0.
In Release 3.0, the IDocs which can be processed are indicated by thestatus 30. IDocs which could be processed in Release 2.1/2.2 eitherhave the status 01 (IDoc added) or status 25 (further processingdespite syntax error).

In the selection screen of the report, you can specify which IDocsshould be selected for conversion. A check is also made in the programas to whether these IDocs have status 1 or 25 and are from a systemwith Release 2.1 or 2.2.

The program generates a list of IDocs converted according to thecriteria specified above. Please note that the new status is only setin the control record of the respective IDoc. No new status records areadded.