Check language> field represents the languages in which thestructures should be checked.
There are three variants:
Explicitly enter one or more languages e.g. E for English.
Enter * to check each structure in all the languages in which itexists.
Leave the field empty to check each structure in the master language.
You can define a reference language to check a translation. The masterlanguage is set as the default value for the reference language. If youare not translating from the master language, for example if you aretranslating to French from English, you can choose the second optionand define English as the reference language.
If you only want to get the errors with the highest priority (errorclass 1, see below), you can deactivate the check against a referencelanguage. The documents are only checked within the check language inthis case.
The comparison checks (error class 2) are not performed.
Another check parameter that you can set is to output all the objectsof a structure. The default is to output only the incorrect documents.
Some structures contain other structures (e.g. SIMG_ALL). To check allthe structures and documents used in the next higher structureincluding the linked structures, you must mark the Linked structurescheckbox.
Caution: This makes no sense if you are checking all the structures asin this case the documents and structures would be checked more thanonce.
NEW-PAGEOutput List
A header is created for each structure and each check language. Theheader specifies how many errors were found in the structure. Theerrors are divided into levels: Level 1 is always the structure itself,i.e. if you create a structure with Transaction SO70 and link documentCHAPSTEFAN to it, this document is in the 1st level of this structure.All documents in the other levels are linked to a document of Level 1either as a link or as an include. You can see which document this isfrom how the document name is indented.
The number of incorrect lines is only a guideline and specifiesapproximately how many text lines must be revised.
List of Errors
The output list has 5 columns: The columns contain the document name,type (how and in which line the document is linked: L-link, I-include),master language of the document, number of lines and error code.
There are the following objects:
Structure - This can be the hypertext structure itself or a linkedstructure.
Short text - The text line shown directly in the structure display(title of the text)
Long text - The actual text. This object is analyzed most closely. Mostof the errors refer to the long text (document)
Error Codes (Error Class 1)
Short text does not exist
The title of the document is missing.
Obsolete link type
A structure is still linked with the obsolete ID TOCX. This is nolonger valid.
Document does not exist
The long text does not exist in any language.
Document ex.only in x y z
The long text does not exist in the check language but the documentexists in langauges x y z.
Document does not contain text
The long text was created but does not contain any text.
Syntax error in line XY:
The formatting statements in the document are not valid. Either acharacter is missing at the beginning of a format <. .> or an endformat character <(><<)>/> is missing.
IF/ENDIF error in line XY
The number of IFs and ENDIFs must agree but they were found to differ.
Link USJSIMGSKSK incorrect
In the document, a link is supposed to refer to another object, but thelink is syntactically incorrect and cannot be resolved.
Glossary term incorrect
Either the glossary term was not linked correctly or the glossary termdoes not exist in the Glossary.
Include DSSIMGAKSKS incorrect
The included text was not found. Either there is a typing error or thetext does not exist.
Transaction XXXX does not exist
The document contains a link to a transaction that does not exist.
Report RSXXXXXX does not exist
A link in the document refers to a report that does not exist.
Error Code (Error Class 2 - Error in Compare with Reference Language)
Document is obsolete
The version of the check document is smaller than the version of thedocument in the reference language.
Difference in text volume
The number of text lines in the two documents differs by more than 30%.
Number of links 01 of 10
The number of links in the document differs from the number of links inthe master language.
Error Code (Error Class 3 - Warnings)
Document does not have a master language
No language is marked as the master language.
Hidden Paragraph in line xxx
The comment statement <(><<)>ZV> may not be used in texts that areconverted to WinHelp.