Description The Report RSDMXP02 is an XPRA which converts UDM doc modules. Itprocesses entries in the tables DOKIL, DOKHL and DOKTL. The Report converts the UDM doc module names to the new length. (BasisName rage project). Data Modeler object keys are being extended 10 to26 characters in length. The doc modules sometimes contain compoundkeys (relationships) which are accessed generically for transport. SeeTLOGO objects UENO and UDMO. For this reason short and long names cannot exist in parallel. The short names must be converted. e.g. UENDENTITAET11A00 is now UENDENTITAET11 A00 The doc modules with the short names are kept so that the report canalso be run online after the Put. If the new modules already exist,they are not supported. This guarantees that the report can be restarted. Precondition none |