Description The Report RSDMXP01 is an XPRA which converts the entity typeattributes. It processes the table DSM03S. Befoe Release 3.0D, the attributes were in two equal fields FLDCLASSand FLDCLASS. These are replaced from Release 3.0F by 3 new fieldsKEYTYPE, ATTRTYPE and FLG_COUNTR. The following conversions are made: FLDCLASS KEYTYPE S - Conceptional key X - Key not specified FLDCLASS ATTRTYPE K - conceptional C - conceptional O - organizational O - organizational P - program-technical T - technical B - relationship representative C - conceptional FLDCLASS FLG_COUNTR L - country-specific X - country-specific The information in the source fields is kept, so the report can alsorun online after the Put. If the new fields are already maintained,these entity types are not supported. Precondition none |