SAP Program RSDG_AFTER_IMPORT_FOR_CORR - Starts the BW after import routine for a request

The after import method execution can be started manually with thisprogram. It is used, for example, to find errors when debugging or toeliminate their causes having found them.

The method execution may only be repeated for certain object types whenthe request was really imported beforehand. These objects are importedin a help version which is then deleted at the end of the methods. Ifthe objects aren't available in the help version, then they will beinterpreted as deleted and likewise deleted. The following objects areinvolved:

  • APCO Application components

  • AREA InfoArea

  • ISIP InfoPackage Group

  • Using the checkbox "Import Request", you can decide whether an import isto be made before the method execution. We suggest a wait time of 10seconds so that the internal buffer can be adjusted. Increase the waittime for larger requests.
    If the checkox "Import Request" is not checked, the above object typesare excluded.


1371356P23 :DTP: Content import sets too many locks
1284416BI7.0(SP21) Transformations deleted following after import
411574Method execution with RSDG_AFTER_IMPORT_FOR_CORR